Wedding Advice

Over the last 10 years we’ve gained a lot of wisdom from photographing weddings, & chatting to so many Brides & Grooms.

In theory, we hope to only get married once, and don’t have a trial run - so wedding planning is a scary new concept!
Not only with all the wedding industry lingo, but it will be a day like none other.

So below we wanted to share with you some advice, not only to get the most out of your wedding photography,
but hopefully to help your day run smoothly so you can look back in years to come and still say
THAT WAS THE BEST DAY EVER”, or at least one of the best!

The Morning

Keep it tidy
There’s nothing worse than trying to get ready in a messy room, and once you’re all dolled up you don’t want to have to tidy up - or worse if you’re getting ready in the bridal suite you don’t want to head to the suite with your new husband to all the bridesmaids mess! Plus keeping the clutter to a minimum will make your photographers happy too.

A pair of scissors, sewing kit & a pen - are a few simple things you’ll not remember, but may need on your wedding morning.
Especially a pair of scissors as usually no one will have cut the tags off their dresses!

Get it out ready
You’ve spent so much time putting together every little detail for your wedding, so lets get everything out on display!
Hang up your dress somewhere to breathe, line up all the girls shoes, hang the girls bridesmaid dresses together, put all your accessories out.
This means everything is easy to grab when you need it and your photographer can capture all these little details during the morning for you too.
It’s a small detail, but making sure your dress hangers are matching, ideally plain white or wooden, maybe even with names written on, makes a huge difference in photographs.

Grooms, take a few minutes before the big day to find a tutorial on YouTube or TikTok on how to tie your cravat, fold your pocket square, or attach your buttonhole. Maybe send it out on the ‘Groomsmen’ WhatsApp chat, so you don’t all panic on the wedding morning.

A big reveal?
If your bridesmaids or Dad haven’t seen you in your wedding dress, consider a reveal where they all line up and see you for the first time together.
This creates some truly beautiful emotive photographs.

Time for photos
If you would like some fun photos with your bridesmaids or photos of your Dad seeing you in your dress for the first time, you need to leave time for all of this. The last hour before the ceremony really does fly by. Make sure you’ve scheduled getting your dress on 45 minutes to an hour before the ceremony if you want time for fun photos - especially as if you haven’t got ready at your ceremony venue, as your photographers will need to leave before you do!


As much as beautiful flower arrangements and arches look beautiful in real life, have a little think about if they are going to obstruct the view of you both for the photographer when you say your vows? Moving them back or placing them to the side is just as beautiful and means your photos will be beautiful too! This also goes for portable lecterns!

Long Train or Veil
If you have a long train or veil, ask one of your bridesmaids to lay it out nicely as you get to the end of the aisle.
That way it won’t look all crumpled in your photos and all your guests will get the full WOW factor of your dress!

Unplugged Ceremony

Consider an ‘unplugged ceremony’. There is nothing worse than someones ipad blocking the groom’s view of the his bride walking down the aisle!

Walk slow
Remember when you’re walking in and walking out of the ceremony, it’s not a race - pace yourself and enjoy the moment - it’s a big one after all.

If you want to have a confetti photo on your big day, consider providing your own (LOTS!) - most guests don’t bring it to weddings anymore.
It’s also always a great idea to choose a biodegradable option too.


Get the formalities out of the way first
We always recommend getting your couple photos done straight away after your ceremony (or as soon as you arrive as your reception venue if you get married in a different place to your reception), following your couple photos with your group photos. That way you are then free to mingle without having to be taken away from your guests.

If you want a photo just ask!
You’ve booked a professional photographer for the day, so you are not being annoying if you suddenly decide you want a photo with uncle Jim. If you want a few more with your bridesmaids, you want to take a few more couple photos at sunset, or a cute lady bird just landed on your dress - it’s your day and your memories being captured - so if there’s something you would just love a picture of, please ask.

Groups list
We recommend our couples choose the photos you would want to put on your walls or give as gifts. Granny would love nothing more than a photo with you for Christmas after all! We recommend choosing no more than 10 group photographs, to allow yourselves time to mingle with your guests before being seated. To make group photos go quicker, it’s helpful to print out your list and give someone from the Bride's side & someone from the Groom's side the responsibility of gathering people. If your reception venue has accommodation, it's also worth letting your guests know that they will be needed for group photographs, so they do not disappear off to their rooms.

Just a final bit of advice, we always say that if at the end of the day you got married, then you achieved everything you set out to do!

Weeks & months of preparation lead up to this one very special day, so make sure you take a moment to just stop together and celebrate all that you’ve achieved… one day down… forever to go!


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